10 Reason's Why ANSHI is the Perfect Holiday Gift for ANYONE at ANY AGE!
There are so many reasons why ANSHI Total Healing Turmeric is the perfect holiday gift! Family moms searching for something they can use on the kiddos and Dad, a grandmother with hand arthritis, Grandpa with knee pain. From the baby with ezcema to the aging populations who are living longer and longer. Mayo Clinic ages my 80 something year old Mother in her 60's even though her biological age is 80 something (she doesn't. like when I tell people her age but shes just that amazing looking and acting truly). My mom aside, the brother that plays pickleball and basketball and lives in PB loves ANSHI too. But for those that love lists here we go!
10 Reasons Why ANSHI is the Perfect Holiday Gift (For Anyone at Any Age):
1) 5 ingredients only! Simplicity is our power.
Our ingredients absorb into the skin almost instantly upon rubbing and take just five minutes for full absorption and impact with swelling and red irritations taking hours to overnight for relief. The skin remember is our largest organ and ANSHI works via microdermabrasion on the epidermis in fancy medical terms. We are patent-pending.
2) Simple ingredients you can eat- food grade!
Coconut Oil, Castor Oil (its known as the palm of Christ-powerful stuff) Vitamin E, Himalayan Pink Salt (89 minerals known to be lacking in humans) and Beeswax (we are sorry to not be fully vegan, we tried but for stability reasons we use ethically sourced Beeswax. But save the bees they are important!).

6) Kids love ANSHI more than pills.
Mom next time there is a fall or accident on the field or bump in the hall ANSHI Is there for simple headaches or post-seizure migraines like. my kiddo gets. Simply rubbing the forehead and behind the ears and neck with a little ANSHI brings relief in minutes. And that is something no pill can do, my friends. Pills take time to absorb, what does absorb and they bring a host of side effects along with them that do not exist in topical and transdermal.
7) Grandparents and parents are aging better and living longer!
This is a good thing, some places there are high rates of elderly living into the 100's. One place in Japan I heard about, Loma Linda in Southern California. But arthritis, pains often go without being treated because a medication for this or that interacts with a heart medication more important than the pain. Many are suffering. ANSHI is on the front-lines of at-home healthcare bringing medical-grade strength pain and inflammation relief and aging adults love it because it is simple to use like lotion. Not a shot or another pill.
8) Dad hurts too he just won't admit it.
For the men with everything even 5 days a week at the gym Dad's need love. For the daily ache or pain to old injury recovery ANSHI is helping thousands move through the day easier for peak performance.
9) Don't forget your friends...
Be a good friend! When has your girl-friend gotten a gift she can use as a face-wash or mask, when her feet hurt after heels all night and after that dance class she just started. Smart, savvy woman love ANSHI because you can use it so many ways! Rinse it off, or leave it on like lotion. Many beauty products with Turmeric cost 100's because its for beauty.
10) ANSHI is versatile and multipurpose!
At ANSHI, we do not like to tell our smart customers what to do. They figure it out and make ANSHI work for them! We love hearing everyone's ideas and use-cases too. Most of our buyer's end up using ANSHI in more than one way and we love that! Leave a review if you've had a great experience using ANSHI so we can continue to spread the good news of affordable, powerful natural medicine.
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